Geographies of Global Internet Censorship Article (PDF Available) in GeoJournal 76(1):1-23 · February 2011 with 5,063 Reads How we measure 'reads'

2014-5-12 · Mexico won't have internet censorship At first Mexican government wanted to adopt new laws what allowed politicians to block Internet and other telecommunication channels when it was appropriate. But it seems that recently the government backed on this issue. Internet Censorship in Mexico – Interpoint Global 2014-5-15 · Internet Censorship in Mexico. After nearly a month of protests and deliberation, a controversial law known as Ley Telecom (telecommunications law) regarding net neutrality and Internet censorship continues to be debated on the legislative floor in Mexico. The Mexican federal government proposed the law claiming that it would balance Slideshow: Mexicans push back against threat of internet Mexico has some of the most expensive telephone and Internet services in the world – something the law was supposed to correct – but activists say it legalizes extensive online surveillance and censorship. Emiliano Zapata was a revolutionary leader who fought for land and liberty for Mexico’s farmers. The Internet and Political Censorship in Mexico | OpenNet

ConceptDoppler: A Weather Tracker for Internet Censorship

2020-7-14 · The history of censorship dates back to 399 BC, when Greek philosopher, Socrates, after fighting off attempts by the Greek government to censor his teachings and opinions, was executed by drinking hemlock for attempting to corrupt young Athenians. More recently, censorship in the form of book burnings was conducted by the military dictatorship of Chile led by General Augusto Pinochet in the Public Support for Media Censorship Across the Americas The 2012 AmericasBarometer survey data show that the highest average support for media censorship is found in Colombia (with a mean score of 36.9 on the 0 to 100 scale). Nevertheless, Figure 1 shows that the degree to which citizens support government censorship of the media varies widely across countries.

2020-7-19 · This year, New Mexico has already passed a draconian censorship law, and bills are pending in 10 other states. The ACLU succeeded in striking down three of these state laws so far, but the larger task lies ahead: to secure free speech online in each and every state where this right is threatened.

Internet Censorship. Freedom of Expression and the Internet. Technology. In the last few decades, it has permanently altered the way we communicate and live. From the Internet to the iPad, advancements in technology have given immediate access to information with the push of a button. Internet Censorship Pros and Cons - Vision Launch Media Around the world, Internet censorship is growing. There has been significant growth in Internet censorship recently in the United States, India, Germany, Brazil, China, Iran, Ukraine, and Mexico. This means that during our lifetime, 6 out of 10 people worldwide have seen increased restrictions on Internet usage. In total, it is estimated that 80% of […]