The quality of documentation can be even more important than the quality of the code itself, as a good first impression will prompt developers to look further into your code. phpDocumentor is designed to make it easier to create documentation. phpDocumentor even makes it possible to generate separate sets of documentation from the same source!

@LeoKomarov It's about creating and using PHPDoc comments in actual PhpStorm to document your code. PhpStorm uses PHPDoc exactly for this purpose -- describing to IDE what function/class/etc does, what parameters is has, what types etc. IDE even uses PHPDoc style comments for internal purposes (e.g. warning suppression etc). Installation - Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans If you installed Laravel via Composer or the Laravel installer, this key has already been set for you by the php artisan key:generate command. Typically, this string should be 32 characters long. The key can be set in the .env environment file. phpDocumentor Guide to Creating Fantastic Documentation The quality of documentation can be even more important than the quality of the code itself, as a good first impression will prompt developers to look further into your code. phpDocumentor is designed to make it easier to create documentation. phpDocumentor even makes it possible to generate separate sets of documentation from the same source! visual studio - Create html documentation for C# code

This class can generate a HTML form definition in JSON format. It takes as parameter the path of a JSON file and parses it to extract the definition of the form options as well the options of all the inputs contained in the form. The class generates HTML for the form and its inputs.

visual studio - Create html documentation for C# code You can generate the XML documentation file using either the command-line compiler or through the Visual Studio interface. If you are compiling with the command-line compiler, use options /doc or /doc+. That will generate an XML file by the same name and in the same path as the assembly. To specify a different file name, use /doc:file.

JavaScript PHP Documentor: Generate documentation for

Generate PhpDoc | Oracle NetBeans for PHP Blog Today, I would like to show you how one can generate documentation for his/her PHP project. Fortunately, it is a very simple task in NetBeans. First, validate in IDE options that your PhpDoc installation was recognized and that the PhpDoc script has been found. Generating PHP Documentation With NetBeans IDE This screencast shows how to generate PHP documentation using ApiGen with NetBeans IDE. Built-in support for ApiGen was added in NetBeans IDE 7.2. The screencast includes details of installing ApiGen with PEAR and a simple example of use. Note: ApiGen replaces PHPDocumentor as the documentation tool of choice for NetBeans IDE. You can still use PHP Documentation Generator Sami for REST API Documentation