Delete browsing, search and download history on Firefox
3) Scroll down to "Search" 4) Once you have tapped ob "Search" scroll down to the bottom and there should be a delete history button (This is purely for deleting search history)! Solved :) Hope this helps anyone else with this problem! Jul 23, 2020 · How To Delete Google History On Phone (2020) If you want to learn how to delete Google history (search, browsing, cookies, cache & browsing history) on your mobile phone (iPhone & Android), follow Common Ways to Clear History on Android. Deleting history from Android is quite an easy task. The following will discuss as to how you can delete call and browser history. 1. Clear Internet History from Android. You can delete your internet or browsing history using Settings on the phone. Apr 11, 2017 · This will delete all searches you have made. If you have a problem, do not hesitate to contact a specialist who can help you to delete the history of your web browser. Private browsing on your Apple iPhone 6s Plus. If you no longer want a search history on your web browser, we have found a solution: browse privately.
How to Delete the Search History on an iPhone | Techwalla
Nov 14, 2019 · Even if you’re surfing the Internet on your new Android phone, from time to time, it’s a good idea to clear out the history and cache. Clearing out the cache can improve performance, and You can delete your Google Play history at any time, which will remove all of your past searches, and free up space on your phone. To delete your Google Play search history, you'll need to access If search history doesn’t show up, then type the related search query that you want to delete. Swipe from right-to-left on the search query, and tap Delete. Way 2: Clear Entire YouTube Search History and Watch History from iPhone, iPad All At Once. Launch the YouTube app. Tap on your Profile icon. Select Settings. Tap on Clear search history.
How to Clear Google Search History on Android: 11 Steps
How to Clear Your Google Search History on Android Jul 03, 2017 Delete your activity - Android - Google Search Help On your Android phone or tablet, open your device's Settings app Google Manage your Google Account. At the top, tap Data & personalization. Under "Activity and timeline," tap My Activity. To the How to Permanently Clear History on Android? Once you are in, you can tap the “Clear Data” option and the “Clear Cache” button to delete all the history items. 2. Clear Call History on Android Phone. Deleting call history is a very easy process on Android. Just go through the following steps in order to clear the …